Friday, April 8, 2011

Where have YOU been?

Happy Spring Time!!  Monday is supposed to be a little over 80 degrees!!  I have heard that is reporting rain.  You all should know that I hate talking about weather; so this ends now.
Let me address the large pink elephant in the room:
I know I suck!  I have no legitimate explanation for why I have not updated my blog in over two months. My guilt has been so bad that I haven't even read other blogs! I could tell you a made up lie like I was on a two month excursion through the Middle East, helped work on the first full face transplant in the US (really took place in Boston) or I was in a coma and I just woke up; but I won't.  One recent update in my life: I have finally landed full time job with normal hours.  My down time will be dedicated to training for my half marathon and updating this blog on a regular basis.

I hope this has cleared the air.  Better In Boston and I have resurrected from the dead with all of the ground hogs.  Sadie, please don't ever tell me again that this blog is dead to you again -- it was just hibernating.

Here is my mini ode/rant to UMass.  There are times when I do not miss college like eating oat meal for breakfast, lunch, and dinner because I was so poor.  I once sneakily ate my roommate's frozen vegetables and said they were mine so I could eat something healthy.  Sorry I am not sorry, girl needs her nutrients.  Blaring music, checking items off the Bucket list, Hobart Hoedown, bringing furniture outside to drink on, wiffle ball, celebrating celebrities' birthdays so we had a reason to drink everyday of the week, and wandering around Antonio's after the bars close with minimal clothing on are times that I live for.  None the less, this is a very nostalgic time for me.  Spring at UMass will forever be one of the best times of my life.

It is pathetic how much my life at work revolves around food. I pack my lunch every day so I a) save money b) not tempted to eat unhealthy c) don't have to make a decision under pressure. Today IT took my laptop to fix the "mother board" (whatever that is and yes I caused damage in under two weeks) so I took a walk with my friend Kate while she ran errands. We stopped at Kendall Square Kitchen, reason unknown, but it is a decision that I do not regret.

Kendall Square Kitchen is a popular lunch spot for their wraps, salads, and pizza. Despite the fact that I brought a lunch with me, I caved in and bought the most delicious piece of BBQ chicken pizza. Instantly, I was in love. Right away I was rambling how great it was, possibly talking with my mouth open, and basically lost track of anything else of any other important discussion that was going on.

The saying "ignorance is bliss" is very applicable to my life - now that I know this pizza exists, I will subconsciously rise from my desk like a zombie and loot Kendall Square Pizza for all of their BBQ chicken pizza. I have not tried anything else from here, I doubt I will knowing that this pizza exists, but I have heard great reviews (okay only Kate but everything looks great!) If you are ever lurking in the area of MIT with all of the brainiacs (aka me), I suggest you go and try this pizza (even if it is during Lent on a Friday, sorry Jesus it is just that good). Also, I had every intention of taking a picture of this pizza but it didn't last long enough.

Here is the address and phone number of KSK: 201 Broadway, Cambridge & (617) 225-7704.I could not find a facebook or twitter page; they have not heard of the power of social media.

I would also like to say happy 23rd birthday to Heather Rose Alie/Garth.  I really have no reason why I need to make it public on my blog too; I already did it on Facebook by comparing her to Chris Farley.  I think I just wanted to post this cool picture of us.
Us being Wayne & Garth circa sophomore year, I was really into tanning.
I hope you all enjoy the gorgeous weather this weekend and expect more posts on a regular basis!