Thursday, December 22, 2011

Random Office Chat

All names have been changed for this conversation.

White, Tammy [1:37 PM]:

XY eats 2 lean cuisines a day
Smith, Elizabeth [1:37 PM]:
White, Tammy [1:37 PM]:
White, Tammy [1:37 PM]:
just saw him with his 2nd
Smith, Elizabeth [1:38 PM]:
what kindz?
White, Tammy [1:39 PM]:
that, i do not know

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Don't Blame Me, Blame Technology.

Last night I had an epiphany.  I was in bed listening to music from my iPod that was synced to my laptop, texting someone that I bought them a unicorn for Christmas, and reading from my Kindle.  My epiphany was not that I am great at multitasking, but that fifteen years ago I did not have any of these things and today I could not live without any of these items.  I have a high tendency of being dramatic, but my world would probably come close to crashing for about thirty minutes if any of these gadgets broke or went missing.

The obvious thing about all of these things is that they can be replaced.  I have broken a million cell phones and have survived a day or two without them.  Actually, last month my battery kept crapping out every ten minutes; being the bum I am, I just used other people's phones to harass my friends.  (Erinn C. if you are reading this, I hope you deleted all of my text messages about moon shoes.)  Two weeks ago I was in New York City and my friend's phone was going to die. I knew I was in for a New York Adventure so for safety precautions we wrote down  five phone numbers on her wrist in case we lost each other.

I sent my iPod for a swim into my bathtub, and I have had the most viruses and computer replacements out of anyone I know.  I guess if I lost my Kindle, I could just start buying books again even though books are too heavy for my feeble arms and they kill trees.  I love when I see articles in magazines about how to preserve the earth because my first thought is "publish this shit on the internet so we aren't killing trees to print this and wasting gas on delivering the magazines."  Morons.

Think of all the new gadgets you have bought over the years and how dependent you have come to be.  Can you really hold a phone conversation with the person you have a crush on or is it all texting?  I love when my friends tell me they have serious conversations with a person of interest via text or internet. Numerous friends have been broken up with via text.  Really?  A phone call couldn't suffice? Can you workout at the gym without your iPod?  A friend of mine ran a marathon without her iPod because they weren't allowed.  I think running that long without music would be more painful than the actual run.   Are you over your laptop because your iPad is so much easier to hold and commute with?  If you have said yes to any of these things, you my friend are dependent.

Let me explain the weird habit I have developed because of technology: I keep forgetting to flush the toilet.  My company moved buildings at the end of August.  I thought our old building was fine, had my desk, chair, cool people around to entertain me; even a big lawn outside for me to catch some sun in the summer.  The new building we are in is beautiful, a large atrium, desks with a million drawers, a big gym that I use frequently, but more important, state of the art bathrooms.  The bathrooms pretty much do everything for you; flush the toilet on your own, motion activated soap and water, and even a Dyson hand dryer.  The only thing you REALLY have to do is wipe yourself; and that is even optional if you're into that kind of stuff.

My mother always told me that bathroom talk is bad so I will keep it at a minimal (I remember we called it toilet talk when we were younger and sent away from the kitchen table whenever we brought up farting or pooping.)  I will just do the math for you.  If I have a glass of orange juice, three cups of green tea and fill up my emo Newbury Comics Nalgene bottle four times in  a span of nine hours, I am going to the bathroom frequently.  If I work 45 hours a week and have been in this office for about 12 weeks; that allows for a serious habit to develop called FTFTT aka Forgetting to Flush the Toilet.

Now, this isn't a serious condition, but you will definitely offend the people who let you use their bathroom.  Girls don't poop so that isn't an issue but pee really just doesn't smell great either.  My mother brought it to my attention over Thanksgiving that I was not flushing the toilet and I looked at her like she was crazy because I ALWAYS FLUSH THE TOILET.  Really though, I knew deep down I was wrong but thought "why don't you have a toilet that flushes itself?"

Today, I am more aware of whether or not I am flushing a toilet, but I am usually doing a shuffle where I am walking out of a bathroom, and walking back in to check.  I am working on my bad habit and if I do not flush the toilet at your house/apartment/wherever please don't call me out in front of people.  I never claimed to be perfect.

Below is my emo water bottle.  Someone find my old blue one.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Art of Annoying Roommates

Roommates.  Can't live with them; can't live without them (unless you can afford to buy your own place of course).  I currently live with two of the most sensational women I have ever met!  It is a great feeling to want to go home and see the people that live under the same roof as you.   Both S & M are very patient with my weird tendencies; they always make me aware that I am a very interesting person to live with.

I have been a roommate my whole life!  I am one of four children, I lived with three girls my junior year of college, and our senior year six of us lived together in a mansion shared with about 18 people. I can't believe that many people agreed to live with me!

Living with my friends made me realize how much my family tolerated when I lived at home for 18 years and then for the treacherous 13 months after college.

Below is a list of things you can do, but shouldn't do to annoy your roommates.

1.  "Huh?"
I perfected this in high school with my mom.  Whenever I was laying in bed and my mom would ask me to do something from anywhere outside of my bedroom, I would just reply "huh?" This has to be one of the most annoying responses.  "Huh" is just a noise, it isn't even a word.  If it is in the dictionary; I will tell Webster he is wrong.  Why can't someone just say "excuse me what did you say?"  "Huh" is the best response because my mom would just ask the question even louder, I would respond again with "huh".  After three or four times of repeating this, she would finally walk to my room, see that I was laughing from annoying her, call me an idiot, and walk away.  Eventually when I found the energy to rise out of bed, I would of course clean the bathroom, vacuum, and walk the dogs.

2. Doors are Closed for a Reason.
Maybe because I grew up in a home with three other siblings, I hardly ever knock anywhere.  I know it is the considerate thing to do but it really just isn't the first thing I think about when I encounter a closed door.  One of the funniest things my sister would make me do is open the door when one of my parents were in the bathroom.  Of course no one wants to see what they are doing in there but it was their reactions that always made us laugh.  A frequent response from my dad: "Are you dense?! Can't you see the damn door is closed for a reason!"  The only thing that is worse about opening the door to something you don't want to or shouldn't see is just acting like it is completely normal.  A couple of months ago, I whipped open my roommate's door at 7:45 am EST on a Sunday morning to her naked boyfriend getting changed.  Not only did I not walk away, but I just patiently waited for him to put his clothes on, then asked them how last night was.

3.  Halfsies.
My taste pallet is very unique.  I love salty, sour, candy sweet and really could give two craps about desserts (other than fruit tarts).  Ice cream, cake, and brownies can really just cease to exist for all I care.  This awful habit is something I developed growing up.  My dad and dogs are the vacuums for all the food I choose not to finish so I frequently will eat half of something and put it away knowing that someone else will eat it.  This is a recurring thing with desserts and especially ice cream sandwiches.  They always look really good but after two bites I am running for water because my tongue is sticking to the roof of my mouth.  Nothing is better than hearing my mother, sisters, one of my roommates yelling at me for leaving a half bitten ice cream  sandwich in the freezer.  In college, I had a pint of raspberry sorbet that I really liked but only for a bite.  That whole pint lasted from September 2009 until around graduation (May 2010.)  If you are really paying attention, you would know that my response to someone asking me why I left my half bitten ice cream sandwich in the freezer would be "huh?"

4. Doing Your Part.
Sharing is caring.  I am a great sharer.  You can borrow just about anything from me other than candy.  My roommates and I now actually share groceries.  It works because we don't have three different heads of lettuce, 14 pounds of frozen chicken, and 48 eggs (except we do fly through eggs).  If something is out, one of us will replace it.  In college, it was definitely buy my turn to buy toilet paper. It is not that I didn't have the money to buy toilet paper, I was just choosing not to.  Between me being "busy" and social, I really couldn't find the strength to go to CVS or anywhere to buy toilet paper.  We stole TP from upstairs, I tried stealing from bathrooms on campus, and then just started using Sarah's tissues until they ran out.  My roommates were becoming very impatient with me and I knew time was running out.  The day I swore up and down I would buy toilet paper, I skipped class with my friend Amy, ate day old Chili's that was in the back of her car, and argued over how to sing the Yahoo song.  After being a waste of life for about three hours, I realized that my face was swollen from the stupid cat Jazzy that Amy had.  Amy rushed to get me benadryl to make the swelling go away and of course I was very tired after and fell asleep without getting any toilet paper.  I really believe it was only hours before my roommates were going to start using my clothes as their toilet paper, so at 5 am I woke up and went to Walmart to replenish the house. This situation could have been easily avoided.

5. Cleaning
Not to toot my own horn, but I believe I am a phenomenal cleaner.  Not only do I clean, but I am organized too!  Currently, we are living without a vacuum so it is hairball city, but overall our current apartment is always neat.  All of us are great with helping out; if one roommate cooks, the other will clean up, if someone has nothing to do, they will wash the dishes or clean the bathroom.  Two years ago, I was organized but not the tidiest roomie.  The one thing I dreaded the most senior year was doing dishes; with six girls they piled up quickly.  Also, after a long day at school or whatever I was doing, the last thing I wanted to do was clean after cooking.  My cop out was letting all of my dishes and pans "soak".  "Soaking" was filling whatever I used with hot water and soap and letting it sit for about three days on average.  In hindsight, it probably would have been better to just clean everything right away than having people yell at me and me responding "huh".  No one really wanted to touch me four day old oatmeal bowl hanging out next to the microwave or in the sink; and really no one should ever have to look at that.

6. The Fake Sleep
Senior year, I slept in what was a sun room turned bed room to rip off college students.  My bedroom had a door that also went to the outside which was a curse and a blessing. It was great to move things in and out but I didn't really always enjoy drunk people banging on my door looking for a party when I was trying to get some beauty sleep.  I really love naps and think I may have spent a third of my life napping (in my bed, at parties, and in class.) In my mind, there is nothing better than falling asleep to Law & Order at 3:00 pm on a Tuesday for three hours.  Writing that, I really miss college solely for the napping aspect. Living with six girls, some one is always around and that someone always want to hang out, talk about boys/sex/clothes/feeling fat/being poor/stressed for finals/what the plans for that night are/what am I cooking for dinner/can you believe our neighbors were up until 5 am/asking why the landlord sent me another email with a smiley :)/asking who ate their snacks.  I really loved my roommates but sometimes I just didn't want to chit chat!! So what do you do?  Build up a reputation for being a notorious napper and just keep your door closed when you don't want to talk.  So if someone ever knocked on my door asking to do something, I would just close my eyes like I was napping until they walked away.  This would backfire every once in a while when they heard my laugh out loud because of something funny I thought of.  If I was really looking to play a good joke, I would let a roommate knock on my door for a really long time, have them walk away, and I would walk out my back door and walk in the front door like I was out the whole time.

7. The Heat
Maybe because I am half Pacific Islander, I love being warm.  Even in the summer, I turn up the AC extra high so I have a reason so sleep with a blanket.  I also lived with Sarah junior and senior year of college so heat is a constant battle that we duke out.  Junior year, she lived upstairs, I lived downstairs, so the heat always "rose" and Sarah woke up sweating buckets. As I mentioned before, I had a door in my room that led to the outside so there was always a draft, which meant my room was an ice box!  My room and Sarah's were next to each other and the thermostat was in my room so of course, I would turn the heat as high as I could to survive through the night and she would be almost in tears from being so hot.  I knew sometimes it was a little to high, but I really set a new record when the chocolate Sarah's sister sent her for Valentines day melted all over her TV in about eight hours.  Sarah was very upset, so of course after responding "huh" to her yelling at me, I vowed to keep the heat below 70 degrees (but did I?)  This year, I am getting better with the heat (because I am actually paying for it) but I think Sarah walked into my room to turn the heat down last night; woops.

If you like who you live with, you should not do any of these things; not even once.  I fear finding all of my things on the curb when I get home tonight.  I will let you all know if I am looking for a new place to live because Lord knows my mom won't take me back.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

More Crabbie Patties Please

I am not going to address why I have not updated my blog for about six months.  It is pathetic to say that eating food inspired me to blog again.

I clearly remember the night that I forgot my keys and banged on the door at 3:30 am for twenty minutes before my mom told me I had to move out by July 1st.  I moved out September 1st and now we are back to being BFF's.  We like to take our dogs for walks on the beach, dance in the car so other drivers can see us (mostly me), and send each other text messages saying "yo yo yo drop off my towels hoe I ain't got no clean ones."

Two Sunday's ago, Kathay (my mom) picked me up and we decided to check out Savin Bar + Kitchen in Savin Hill.  I was very eager to go after reading an article in the Globe that they had redone the whole menu after locals complained that the menu was overpriced.  Everything we ordered was delicious! We split our meals (because that is what besties do) and went home full and happy.  For an appetizer, we had the most amazing crab cakes ever.  I don't even know what they tasted like but they were so good that I wish I went with my dad because he would have given me half of his crab cake if I asked for it.  SBK also served yummy rolls with cinnamon butter.  For our meals, we split the Baby Spinach Salad and SBK Burger.  The salad had the perfect amount of everything, not too much dressing, and not so cheap with the candied pecans :-).  The burger was filling and came with french fries made with truffle oil and parmesan cheese.  Kathay was nice enough to let me take the left overs home which I thoroughly enjoyed at 1:00 am.  (If you are thinking that I need to eat more healthy; I am 100% aware.  My loving sister sent me an email today on how to eat healthy.  She started the email saying "I know you love eating, but think about how good you'll look once...")

Overall, it was a great experience.  The waitress was great, the food was hot and on time, and the chef even asked how our food was.  Unfortunately, I did not have any drinks because I was too hungover, but I really want to go back soon!  Here is the link to their page:  Check it out, you won't be disappointed!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Where have YOU been?

Happy Spring Time!!  Monday is supposed to be a little over 80 degrees!!  I have heard that is reporting rain.  You all should know that I hate talking about weather; so this ends now.
Let me address the large pink elephant in the room:
I know I suck!  I have no legitimate explanation for why I have not updated my blog in over two months. My guilt has been so bad that I haven't even read other blogs! I could tell you a made up lie like I was on a two month excursion through the Middle East, helped work on the first full face transplant in the US (really took place in Boston) or I was in a coma and I just woke up; but I won't.  One recent update in my life: I have finally landed full time job with normal hours.  My down time will be dedicated to training for my half marathon and updating this blog on a regular basis.

I hope this has cleared the air.  Better In Boston and I have resurrected from the dead with all of the ground hogs.  Sadie, please don't ever tell me again that this blog is dead to you again -- it was just hibernating.

Here is my mini ode/rant to UMass.  There are times when I do not miss college like eating oat meal for breakfast, lunch, and dinner because I was so poor.  I once sneakily ate my roommate's frozen vegetables and said they were mine so I could eat something healthy.  Sorry I am not sorry, girl needs her nutrients.  Blaring music, checking items off the Bucket list, Hobart Hoedown, bringing furniture outside to drink on, wiffle ball, celebrating celebrities' birthdays so we had a reason to drink everyday of the week, and wandering around Antonio's after the bars close with minimal clothing on are times that I live for.  None the less, this is a very nostalgic time for me.  Spring at UMass will forever be one of the best times of my life.

It is pathetic how much my life at work revolves around food. I pack my lunch every day so I a) save money b) not tempted to eat unhealthy c) don't have to make a decision under pressure. Today IT took my laptop to fix the "mother board" (whatever that is and yes I caused damage in under two weeks) so I took a walk with my friend Kate while she ran errands. We stopped at Kendall Square Kitchen, reason unknown, but it is a decision that I do not regret.

Kendall Square Kitchen is a popular lunch spot for their wraps, salads, and pizza. Despite the fact that I brought a lunch with me, I caved in and bought the most delicious piece of BBQ chicken pizza. Instantly, I was in love. Right away I was rambling how great it was, possibly talking with my mouth open, and basically lost track of anything else of any other important discussion that was going on.

The saying "ignorance is bliss" is very applicable to my life - now that I know this pizza exists, I will subconsciously rise from my desk like a zombie and loot Kendall Square Pizza for all of their BBQ chicken pizza. I have not tried anything else from here, I doubt I will knowing that this pizza exists, but I have heard great reviews (okay only Kate but everything looks great!) If you are ever lurking in the area of MIT with all of the brainiacs (aka me), I suggest you go and try this pizza (even if it is during Lent on a Friday, sorry Jesus it is just that good). Also, I had every intention of taking a picture of this pizza but it didn't last long enough.

Here is the address and phone number of KSK: 201 Broadway, Cambridge & (617) 225-7704.I could not find a facebook or twitter page; they have not heard of the power of social media.

I would also like to say happy 23rd birthday to Heather Rose Alie/Garth.  I really have no reason why I need to make it public on my blog too; I already did it on Facebook by comparing her to Chris Farley.  I think I just wanted to post this cool picture of us.
Us being Wayne & Garth circa sophomore year, I was really into tanning.
I hope you all enjoy the gorgeous weather this weekend and expect more posts on a regular basis!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Goin' back, back, to the 90s, 90s

The 1990s; what an awesome decade.  I love running at the gym on a Sunday morning with my eyes glued to VH1 because they are airing "I love the 90s".  Not only is everyone on the show amazing, but it is finally a decade that I can relate to.  I was born in 1988 but with my steel trap memory, I never forget anything.  Key items of the 1990s that will flash before my eyes before I die: 

1. Polly Pockets 
2. The movie Clueless 
3. Having a crush on Doug Funny, always worrying about Tommy Pickles,  hating Ferguson, admiring Alex Mac,  being scared of "Dinosaurs" 
4. Slap bracelets and scrunchies 
5. Playing defense on my soccer team because I was really slow
6. The movie "Speed" 
7. My parents minivan with the wooden panel
8. Mariah Carey being sane 
9. A kid in my third grade class asking during "prayer time" to pray for Biggie Smalls 
10. Wanting a Talkboy to prank call my four friends, my Dad at work, and neighbors.
11. Annoying Gap and Old Navy commercials advertising their fleece vests

I could talk for days about how awesome the 90s were.  I feel bad for everyone born after 1997 because even though they were alive, they definitely do not remember anything from this mind blowing decade.  Today, toddlers are born with laptops in their hands, does anyone remember the game centipede? or having to use a land line to get "on line"?

My favorite part of the 90s: the music.  U2, Third Eye Blind, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Snoop Dog, TLC, Seal the man who was kissed by a rose...the list goes on for days.  One artist I hate: Jewel (her hands are small she knows...). One artist I will never forget: Alanis Morrissette. Why?  I would go over one of my friend's (I will not name her, she gets so angry when I tell this story) house at least twice a week. For her birthday, my friend received Alanis' album "Jagged Little Pill" on tape.  My friend would hang out with me, with her head phones on blaring Alanis.  Imagine: chubby me with a bowl cut talking about who knows what, following my friend who is clearly listening to angry Alanis on her cassette player, not responding because she is rocking out too hard.   My friend, being the great sharer that she is, would of course rewind the tape for me and let me listen after.  

Thanks to all of the geniuses at Apple, I can now get my 90s fix whenever I want.  What beats listening to "Jessie's Girl" on my iPod while walking through the Financial District?  Listening to my uncle Terry and his band Edgewater Road sing it on a Saturday night right in front of me.  

Last weekend, my friends and I decided to see Edgewater Road play at the Green Dragon in Faneuil Hall.  This was one of the best things I have done so far in 2011.  Everyone really enjoyed themselves; both my friends and the crowd.  One man, dressed in a nice suit, danced like his head was on fire every time Edgewater Road played a song.  He did not care who he knocking over, who he was spilling drinks on, or who he was weirding out - this guy just wanted to dance.  At times, he was moving his legs like his batteries had just gotten recharged and arms swaying like he was Frankenstien.   My favorite dance number: his body moving really slow but just his head going crazy like it was actually on fire.  Here is a picture of the character:
This picture does not even do this strange man justice, but it is understandable why his body reacted this way.  Edgewater Road's music is amazing.  Seconds after walking into the bar, your head is nodding a little bit, your mouthing the words because they are not rappers and you understand them, and your friends know the words too.  Your feet might stop tapping, you might even get up and shake it a little bit.  I do not believe dancing like your head is on fire is socially acceptable, but as a crazy dancer, I can understand how powerful a good tune is.

Here are some of the great songs that they played: Crazy Bitch, Sweet Emotion (thank God none of them look like Steven Tyler), Semi-Charmed Life, Sweet Child of Mine, Save a Horse Ride a Cowboy, Laid, Come on Eileen, Billy Jean (a favorite of mine!), Hey Jealousy, One....the list goes on.  One request I need to make to this band: play some Hootie!!  Who does not love a little Hootie and the Blow Fish????  My uncle said he does not think they are good enough to play Hootie...I agree to disagree.

I fear that I am not advocating for how great this band is; you need to check them out.  If you have an appreciation for live, talented bands, or even want to change up your regular Saturday grinding to Sisqo (okay that is actually a really good Saturday night!) check them out!!! I promise, they do not sing Alanis Morissette. Also, I cannot promise that Weird Suit Guy will not be out in full swing next time they play. 

At this point, I am not sure when their next show is, but here is their Facebook page: - Like their page!! A video of them singing Semi-Charmed Life:, so good!

Also, shout out to the coolest uncle ever!! I think you stole all of the musical talent from me. Thanks a lot...

Also, if you like this blog (which I hope you do!), you should click the "Like" button at the bottom of this post.  By clicking the "like" button, it will send a link back to your Facebook page, which will allow your friends to read this too!  Please, please, please, and sanqu :)       

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

What are you doing this weekend?

On Saturday, a couple of my friends will be hosting an event at the Greatest Bar for the 3rd Annual Boston Night Out Supporting THON.  THON ( is the largest student-run philanthropy in the world that raises money to conquer childhood cancer.  I have taken this directly from the event invitation:

"The theme for THON 2011 is “Together Without Limits.” This year, at our THON Night Out, PSU Boston wants to prove that together, there are no limits. The event will take place in the Boston Room (4th floor) at The Greatest Bar ( on February 5th from 6pm-10pm. Aside from fun with friends, the night will include a raffle, so make sure to bring cash, check, or a credit card to purchase raffle tickets. Tickets to the Night Out are $10 for the early birds, $12 the week of the event, or $15 at the door, which includes admission to The Greatest Bar for the night, hors d’oeuvres, and one free raffle ticket. All proceeds go to THON!" 

Also, here is the link to the Facebook event:!/event.php?eid=185244361502881

Cancer affects millions of lives on a daily basis; it takes a toll on the patient and the ones who love them too.  I can talk until I am blue in the face about why it is essential that people come together to help find a cure.  In September, I walked the Jimmy Fund Marathon for my friend's niece Emily.  At the age of three, Emily was diagnosed with a rare cancer called neuroblastoma.  The cancer was also at stage four; the scariest thing about this cancer is that scientists cannot determine if this cancer develops genetically or due to environmental factors.

After 16 months of chemotherapy, surgery, two bone marrow transplants, radiation, and antibody therapy, Emily is now cancer free.  Emily is the true definition of a fighter and a survivor of cancer.  Now five years old, Emily is halfway done with her first year of school.  She is one of the many examples of why raising money for cancer research is vital.
Em, a true yogi!

Emily with her sister Isabelle and cousin Althea at the Jimmy Fund Walk!
So please, if you do not have plans on Saturday, stop by! I can promise that it will be a lot of fun and for a great cause :)

Monday, January 31, 2011

Curl Up and Dye

Hair.  We either have too much of it, not enough of it, it's growing too fast, growing too slow, we're changing the color of it, or we can't control what color it is changing.  Good hair days and bad hair days.  Split ends, roots, and bald spots.  Bumps that won't straighten, hair that won't curl.   Gray hair, black hair, blond hair, and ginger hair.  

This summer, I think I had a bar hair day everyday.  It was too hot out to style, but too humid to let it air dry.   I spent at least ten minutes a day in the bathroom at work trying to do something fun with it other than pinning it back with thirty bobby pins.  Since the weather has changed, my hair is more tamed, but it is not always on its best behavior.

Mullets, "Mom" cuts, the Rachel from Friend's haircut, perm, afros, the reverse mullet (thank you Kate Gosselin), the bob, and the pixie cut.  Out of all the haircuts my parents could have given me, at the age of four my parents gave me a bowl cut with a mullet.  My haircut was probably meant to be a bowl cut but it wasn't the same length all around.  Because of my round face with Asian features, I looked like my brother or just another Asian boy.  The picture below is a picture of me on a pin that my dad still has:
Who likes the turtleneck with corduroy flower overall dress? 

This has left me traumatized.  I will never give any of my children such a wretched haircut.  My parents insisted on me keeping my hair short.  I do not understand how this haircut came to be a trend.  Who thought it was a good idea to give an innocent girl a haircut that resembled a shaggy dog or a man in the 70s who couldn't grow an afro so it just fell straight?  I was so envious of every girl who had long hair.  When it came time for me to make my First Communion, all I wanted was French braids, but could I have them? Nope.  My hair was too short.

I have had my fair share of highlights, experimenting with Sun-in, I used a "Twist a Braid", and wore my hair like every Spice Girl.  I have ironed my hair, curled my hair with every mousse out there, learned every technique with a curling iron, and even got my hair braided with beads when my family traveled to the Dominican Republic.  

Through all of the hair trends, the one thing that has stayed the same is my hairdresser, Leona.  I LOVE HER.  I will not say that I hate change, but why fix something if it isn't broken?  I saw my pediatrician until this past summer until she told me I could not come back anymore.  When my dermatologist retired this year, I asked multiple times if he still could take personal calls from me, and I meant it.  There were only two times I have gotten my haircut by another hairdresser and both times were at school.  The first time the lady tried to straighten my hair while it was wet.  The second time was because I was poor and a hair salon was cutting hair for $10 and the money was going to Haiti.  With my luck, a local news station caught wind of the hair salon running this promotion and came in while I was getting my haircut.  Obviously, the news aired me getting my haircut with my hair slicked back, no make up on, and a double chin.  

Leona works at Curl Up and Dye which is conveniently five minutes away from my house.  Just when you thought I was being crafty with the title of this post, you were wrong.  Ironically, before the owner of Curl Up and Dye took over, this was the hair salon where I got my horrendous bowl cut from Jim.  Even more irony, Jim is also my dad's name, who sometimes still says to me "If you hate your hair so much, you should just cut it short like when you were younger, it looked really nice."  Thanks Dad.  

The number one reason why I love Curl Up and Dye, they are so honest.  With every new hair cut or style I have ever wanted, Leona has always been honest telling me the pros and cons.  Leona knows me well, she knows that I like to work out, I really do not want to spend a lot of time styling my hair, and that I am really too poor to have to dye it every six weeks.  With all of this essential knowledge, when I wanted bangs, highlights again, and extensions, Leona put me in my place.  Sometimes it is important for me to hear the word no.  I appreciate that Leona could make money from me monthly by coloring my hair, but every time I suggest it, she warns me of the upkeep and how unattractive roots are.
Kate G with a reverse mullet and roots, she should fire her hairstylist.
You really have to appreciate an honest citizen.  I just saw Leona on Friday because I was long over due for a trim.  She really does everything I ask her: keep it long, layers for body, side bangs that aren't too short so I can pin them to the side.  I really must be the most annoying client ever, whenever I think I am balding or my hair splits are too much, I stop in, unannounced of course, and talk to her.  Curl Up and Dye is actually on my running route, so there were multiple times this summer I came in sweating, talking at 40 miles an hour, asking for advice.  

All of the other hairdressers are phenomenal too.  They are all funny, honest, and know what they are talking about.  I remember when the Beckham's were wreaking havoc on the United States by moving here.   Their move was so influential that a girl no older then seven wanted her haircut like Victoria Beckham.  This seven year old was cute, with a round shaped face, a little chubby and had gorgeous thick hair.  After all of the hairdressers explained to this girl that a haircut like Victoria was a "grown up" haircut, a lot of work, and worked best for people who had thinner hair then hers; she insisted that she still wanted the cut.  It was apparent that the mother was sick of the girl asking and was just going to let her have the haircut.  The little girl even had multiple pictures of her haircut just to remind her hairdresser.  It only took 30 seconds after blow drying her hair that she realized she had dug her own grave.  The haircut looked great, just not on her.  Everyone knew that the haircut wasn't going to look good on her, so when she started to cry it was no a surprise.  Another hairdresser gave her a lollipop, the mother quickly paid, and the seven year old Posh Spice was gone.   

Curl Up and Dye also does tanning, make up, cuts men's hair,and up dos.  They are reasonably priced too.  My wash, cut, and dry was only $35.  I can honestly say I have not had a bad haircut from here ever and I am one fickle bitch.  Unfortunately, Curl Up and Dye does not have a Facebook page or website, but they are working on it!  Their phone number is 617-296-4034 and they are located at 2275 Dorchester Ave.  If you are brave and willing to leave your old hairdresser, I suggest that you try here.  I referred my friend Mary to Leona and she is now rocking beautiful healthy locks with awesome highlights.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Falling Out of Hate with New York

I need to travel more.  How can I say that Boston is the best city if I do not go anywhere else?  I feel like this could be compared to a color blind person saying black and white are the best colors ever, when clearly they have not experienced all of the beautiful colors in the rainbow.  In college,  I made sure I went on spring break no matter how poor I was.     Montreal, Jacksonville, Daytona, Punta Cana; I was a world class traveler.  Going on Spring Break in Florida actually made me hate Florida.  Everyone is so slow paced.  I actually think I waited over ten minutes for an iced coffee and that was the norm.  I, Elizabeth Marie, will never retire in Florida; but I do want to go to Miami sometime soon.  My grandmother also lives in Florida so I guess I will visit her when she finally invites me.

This past weekend I spent less than 24 hours in New York City for my friend Lori's 23rd birthday.  As a marketing major, I know that I should move to NYC, it is the marketing capital of the world.  Since graduation, I have pretty much talked myself out of why I should not live there: it is expensive, overcrowded, dirty, their sports teams suck, my dogs would be in Boston, etc.  After visiting NYC this weekend, I fell out of hate with it.  While riding the MEGA Bus into town, I stared out the window eating a granola bar I took from my friend Shannon (I'm trying to cap my candy intake).  I was so infatuated with everything I saw because it was unfamiliar.  I am obsessed with the unknown.  I will admit, I am so nosey, my friends must hate it.  I know everything about everyone and if I do not, I will pry until I know.  I am a great detective; you need someone to know something, I can help you.

A couple of things I have noticed about New York:
1. A "New York Minute" makes sense, there is so much traffic, I do not know how anyone could be on time.
2. Cabs are CHEAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3. The City never actually sleeps, bars, food, convenient stores are ALWAYS open. ALL OF THE TIME.
4. Brunch is the "in" thing to do, but it requires you to sleep in from being up all night.
5. Everything is on a grid, so everyone actually knows where they are going.  You are a complete tourist if you are lost.
6. There is shopping and food everywhere.
7. People are not as friendly in NYC as they are in Boston.
8. The party does not start until midnight.  The big difference is in Boston, I am usually trying to make sure my eyes or my friends' eyes aren't rolling to the back of their heads at midnight.
9. It is not as bad as I had imagined.

For the short time we were there, we went to a dive bar called the Watering Hole.  The Watering Hole had kaeroke, which pretty much was the downfall for my friends. A small list of events that happened in a span of three hours:
1. Lori's boyfriend Eric took the microphone from two girls before they started to sing and wished Lori a happy birthday.  The bar went silent, I do not think Eric knew how awkward it was.
2. During the solo of American Girl, I swung the microphone above my head and almost took out a friend, then I got yelled at.
3. Every time Shannon went up to sing, her performances quickly came to and end because the hostess hated her.
4. My three friends sang Janis Joplin "Take Another Piece of My Heart" and everyone hated it.  Who thinks JANIS JOPLIN IS A GOOD SONG TO SING ON A SATURDAY NIGHT? Social suicide at its best.

I will not talk about the awful place that we went to eat for brunch.  The awful experience has been burned in my head forever; they did not have orange juice for mimosas. WTF!?

 I will write about David's Bagels.  I should start off with my relationship with bagels.  I love bagels, just as much as I love candy and orange juice.  Whenever I play "What would I live with if I was stranded on an island?" I always say I would just eat bagels everyday for the rest of my life.  In college, I think my freshmen 15 (+5) came from the unlimited dining hall pass.  While everyone was eating pizza, burgers, french fries, I was piling up on bagels and Powerade.  My favorite bagel is everything with onion and chive cream cheese, but if I am feeling sweet, I will have a cinnamon raisin with strawberry cream cheese.

New York bagels are something else.  Junior year, I gave up bagels for lent.  I thought this was going to be easy, sophomore year I gave up drinking for lent and succeeded!  I was a total bitch during this time and it was a challenge being sober, but I got through it.  Here is a picture of me being sober, just as weird:
I know, I look like such a molester.  We are all super sober too.  Back to the bagels, the first day of lent, Lori comes back from visiting Eric's family in Long Island, with TWO DOZEN BAGELS.  How was I supposed to say no?  Realistically, I had two bagels a day for a week.  I just could not resist.  I just am not perfect.

The catch about New York bagels is that with everything bagels, there is everything ALL OVER THE BAGEL.  Not just the top part of the bagel, but the bottom too.  Making this killer carb delicious all over.  David's bagels are oversized, soft on the inside, crunchy on the outside and they make their own cream cheese too.  I obviously bought a dozen but I swear they are sitting in my freezer.  As I am trying to shrink my  New York bagel sized midsection for the summer, I am allowing myself to half a bagel a day.  It is not easy.
David's Bagels is located in "Sty Town" and on 18th Street.  I suggest anyone and everyone who appreciates bagels like me should go.

Overall, NYC was great.  I really loved it there and I want to go back soon.  Someday, I might even move there.  New York City, I do not hate you anymore, but Boston is still better.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Boots, boots, & boots

Everyone is always talking about the weather.  ALWAYS.  Every time I  go on Facebook, six out of eight people's status talks about the weather (I love making up statistics).  Monday everyone said it was so cold they didn't want to go to work, last week everyone wanted a snow day, but everyone HATED shoveling.  I don't know why people always feel the need to talk about the weather, we all know what is going on out there, we are all living in it.  You know a conversation has really bit the dust when someone brings up the weather; why must we talk about the obvious?  Unless you are Helen Keller locked inside a room that is air controlled, we all know what is going on outside our window.

Once at a Christmas party, my two cousins and I started talking about shoveling and how much we hated it.  In about five minutes, all thirty people were talking about the snow, who shoveled what, rock salt, the traffic, car accidents caused by snow, etc. Sadly, this is probably the most normal topic my mother's side of the family has ever talked about.

The last thing I will say about people talking about the weather: WHY ARE YOU SO SURPRISED BY THE ELEMENTS??? THIS IS THE NORTHEAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I would be pissed if I lived in Florida and it was snowing; now that is something to talk about!

I said to one of my friends that some days I wake up and know that I am going to be an idiot, like no matter what I say or do, I will screw something up.  Today was one of those days.

I will start here, I am a sales person, so I cannot always say that I am 100% honest (but I am still an angel!), but I am very disappointed with my Marc Jacob boots.  There are TWO rips in them!! One in the rubber lining on the calf and on the baby toe of my left boot.  I have not worn these boots more than 15 times since I have bought them.  When I find some time, I will be writing to Mr. Jacobs himself.  I am now on the prowl for a pair of rain boots, if you can recommend any, please let me know.

So because these purplicous boots are damaged, I did not know what to wear to work.  As much as we all love them, we know Uggs are more of a hassle than help when it snows.  Uggs do not have any traction and get soaked in under five minutes - so you will either fall or lose a toe due to frostbite; it really is your choice.  I decided to randomly put on a pair of boots that were in my back hallway, I did not know who the boots belonged to, but I wore them anyways.  Finders keepers; I needed something to keep me safe and warm on my journey to work!

Here is why I am an idiot, I knew that these boots were a little too big the second I put them on. I really did not care.  It took me about five minutes on the walk to the train to realize A.  I looked like a girl with massive feet B.  I still did not know whose boots I was wearing C.  The shoes were so big I had them on the wrong feet and they still fit comfortably.  When I got to work, my coworkers made fun of me.  I was basically just riding the hot mess express train, and usually I do on a weekly basis.

After work, I waddled over to my sister's basketball game (Go Framingham Ram's!) where my mother met me with a pair of boots that actually fit me.  Here are the evil, size 13 (I am not sure if this is the actual size) boots I thought fit me today:
This picture does not even do them justice,  I made my mom put the boot next to her head to show that they were bigger than her head, but she will not let me put her face on here.  I do not think she understands this could be her big break to becoming the blond super star she always wanted to be.

While I have been trashing boots, I now need to confess that I LOVE BOOTS.  They are warm (when they are made correctly), sexy, look good with just about anything (when worn the right way), and some are comfortable.  Being the compulsive shopper that I am, I stopped by Nine West before work on Monday --yes, when it was -2 degrees.  I have been looking for a pair of flat leather boots that went up to my knees and I have FINALLY found them!!  The boots were only $70 too, Nine West is having a kickass sale.  The name of these boots Sitcom, I do not know why, they do not remind me of a sitcom.  I saw a really cute pair of booties for $35 too.  This cold weather is going to be around for a couple of more months...if you are looking for a new pair of stylish maybe not the warmest boots - go to Nine West.  Here is what these lovely boots look like:
I do not think this picture does these boots justice, but you could wear these with a skirt, dress, leggings, jeans, really anything!  I am in love and highly recommend.,default,pd.html?cgid=4216631&itemNum=24&variantSizeClass=&variantColor=BLACKLE

On another note, WELCOME BACK PERKINS!!!  We have really missed you!  Like I have said before, I do not talk sports, but I cannot wait for the rest of the Celtics season with Perkins playing!
Who would mess with him!?
I promise more frequent blog entries :)  Happy Hump Day!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

An Ode to Moms & 2011

Happy New Year!  I cannot believe it is 2011, I remember in the year 2000 when my dad secretly made me unplug the computer because he feared an electrical combustion or some other type of life threatening event occuring.

Last year on New Years Eve, I didn't even make it to midnight without puking (fail) and worried the whole time wondering what the 2011 glasses would look like (yes, I am a worry wart).  The 2010 glasses made so much sense 2, the eye was a 0, the other eye was a 1, and then the zero hung off the end.  See below:

I don't know him.
I still don't know how the 2011 glasses looked, someone please send me a picture if you have one.

Here is how I feel about every "new" year; it is a time to look back on the past year with all of the good times and laughs that happened with your family and friends.  Last New Years day, my friends and I all woke up with our clothes on from the night before, ate rock hard bagels (thank you Mary), too hungover for mimosas, talking about what our last semester of college would be like, and then laid around all day eating junk food, wearing goggles, and watching sappy love movies.  January 1st marks a new year, but also means a time for new opportunities, a time to grow a little wiser, and a whole new year to live a life with the people you love most. 

I don't usually like to talk about resolutions; for me they are a little too personal (although I am close to perfect) and I think the idea of the "New Year" resolution paralyzes you.  If you only make change ONCE a year, you are simply only giving yourself one time to change out of 365 days which ends up being .002% for growth (I know this percentage is semi irrelevant).  I think when you find something that you need to improve, you should start right away.  I don't usually quote things but I think Third Eye Blind says it best: "Every moment of your life is a chance to get it right".

Props to everyone making resolutions, I hope you stick with them!  One goal that I want to achieve this year is to run a half marathon by the summer, wish me luck.  On a side note: I loved 2010 and everything about it; I truly would not change a single thing about it.  I am excited to see what 2011 brings along :)

I know I have been slacking on updating the blog.  The retail and restaurant industry in December is disasterous, I am not sure how I am actually alive to write this right now.  I vow to explore and write more; I appreciate all of the email, texts, and facebook posts reminding me I was slacking.

Today was the perfect rainy day to do some exploring with one of my best friends, her (my) sister, and her (my) child.  After doing some shopping, we decided to go to the South End Buttery for brunch.  One thing about me is that I always wake up really early; so by 11 AM today I had worked out, showered, cleaned my room, did some laundry, and ate breakfast.  So while Sadie, Camille and Francis ordered breakfast, I annoyingly ordered lunch but with a mimosa -- it is called brunch for a reason right?  Both Sadie and Camille ordered eggs benedict and Francis had pancakes.  I ordered a grilled cheese and parmesan garlic french fries (I swear I am working on eating healthy when I go out to eat).

Cam enjoying her Irish tea.

Obviously, the grilled cheese was amazing and the french fries were mind blowing.  The fries were so good that I could have eaten them without ketchup.  Both Sadie and Cam loved their breakfast but it was Francis and his pancakes that won over the heart of everyone.  The pancakes were light and fluffy but filling.  Sadie the true baker she is whispered multiple times "I wonder what their recipe is".  I will also note that the pancakes were so good that they did not need syrup (I am huge on condiments).

Squizz waiting for his next bite of pancakes.

He successfully ate both pancakes.  Besides the food, we had a phenomenal waitress and the seating area is beautiful.

The South End Buttery also has an amazing bakery.  We all took desserts home and I shared my vanilla cupcake with vanilla frosting with my mom.  My mom does not usually rant or rave about how good dessert is but she told me that these cupcakes were better than Kickass Cupcakes....I think they were both delicious for their own reasons, but you should check them out. The Buttery is located on Shawmut Ave. This picture is for you Nicole since you live a block down:
Here is their website and facebook page:

I realize that every post I write is all over the map with no direction.  I titled this post "An Ode to Moms and 2011" because while we were out to eat, I noticed that right when we got our food, Camille and I dug into our food while Sadie patiently cut up Francis' pancakes.  She made sure they weren't too hot, that they tasted good (success), and that he was happy before she even looked at her own food.  I know that this is everyday business for mothers but for me it was something that was so selfless. Call me morbidly obese, but I cannot remember the last time I considered someone else while I was eating my food.  I hope I inherit these motherly mannerisms or my children will be hungry.  Take some time to reflect and  thank your mom, dad, and everyone else in your life that selflessly commits small acts of kindness for you on a daily basis.

If there are any places that you would like me to check out, please let me know!

Best wishes for an amazing 2011.