Monday, February 27, 2012


After third grade, I loved sleeping over my friends' house.  As much as I loved my family, there was nothing better than walking into someone else's pantry and having a whole different variety of snacks.  My friend Merry had and still has the best pantry ever.  Sometimes in college when I knew she was home, I would just sleep at her house without visiting my family to reap the benefits of Mr. and Mrs. Yasek buying food for an army when in reality it is actually just the two of them living at home.
We started the booty shots way before they were cool on Facebook.
There was nothing worse growing up than having to be picked up early from a sleepover because I had to go to church.  Seriously, thinking about getting up earlier than my friends and waiting for my dad or mom outside in our maroon minivan (I am laughing so hard thinking about them driving that...thank God I crashed it) makes me cringe.  I remember once I let my friend put at least 40 braids in my hair and I accidentally overslept so I had to go to church looking like an Asian Whoopi Goldberg.
Ready for 9:00 am Church
As time went on, my parents, specifically my mother because I could convince my dad to let me do anything, stopped hounding us to go to church.  Some days I contemplate going to church to repent for my sins but I have not been to a mass since someone died or a wedding.  The last time I went to an Easter Mass, a woman's hair caught on fire Michael Jackson style.  The last Christmas Eve Mass my family went to, someone farted and it vibrated the bench so my sister and I laughed the whole hour.

Although I may not attend church regularly, I still like giving up something up for Lent.  For my Jewish audience, Lent requires you to give up something you like/abuse for 40 days.  I could get more into why but I really do not want to.  I contemplated giving up fried food but then realized that Sullies opened this past weekend and thought I really would be screwing myself over.  I then thought I would give up candy but then I ate my friend's leftover candy yesterday which is actually pretty pathetic.  As if I am not already going to hell, I realized that these were two selfish things to give up.  Of course, in a sense this is something I am giving up because I love them both, but I am doing it for a selfish reason.  I am giving up both because I want to lose weight so I would be benefiting from this anyways.

I once tried to give up bagels and my roommate came back from New York with bagels, at one point I had two a day!!  The year before, my friends and I gave up alcohol for lent.  It was probably the weirdest time of my life.
We are actually all sober.
I have thought of a list of things that people should never give up for lent.

1. Shaving their armpits
2. Showering
3. Reading my blog
4. Cutting their finger nails
5. Brushing their teeth

Bad habits that people could nip in the bud.

1. Compulsively updating your status on Facebook.  We don't care that you're working out, going to work, sitting in traffic, eating dinner, showering, and going to bed by 10 pm.  We actually all are too and just aren't talking about it.
2. Picking their nose, I saw someone at Coach picking their nose this weekend and then touched a bag.  I almost fell over.
3. Not waiting for people to exit the bus and train before entering.  Why can you not wait 30 seconds?    I promise that the train and bus isn't going anyways, even if Big Eyes is driving. One of my biggest pet peeves.

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